Set A Goal: I signed up for my first ever 5K and started training a week ago. I bought some new running shoes yesterday and went for a run this morning by the bay. You might be thinking, what does this have to do with technology? Well it's all about setting goals. My goal is to run the entire race next month. What's your goal when it comes to using technology? Will you sign up for a Twitter account (I'm a newbie at that too!) and see what all the buzz is about? Will you try using Skype? How about creating a classroom blog? If you're feeling a little apprehensive when it comes to technology, set a small goal!
Taking Pictures: Pictures are worth a thousand words and there are so many great ways to incorporate pictures in teaching. My favorite pictures to take revolve around math problems (Math Curse-You know, you can think of almost anything as a math problem). Here are a few I took today...
What is the base of this structure composed of? What is the geometric name for this structure? How am I going to get from my hotel to the Convention Center using the trolley? Do I need to take the green, orange, or blue route or a combination of the three? What geometry words can you use to describe this fence? Are there some fences that are more aesthetically pleasing to the eye than others?
How can pictures be used in your classroom? Math problems? Writing prompts? Demonstrating a certain form or skill (correct form in a sport, proper use of equipment, etc)? Exposing your students to parts of the country they may never see? Involve the students and have them take the pictures!
Listening: I had quite the experience on the trolley this afternoon! I overheard a couple conversations that I cannot repeat due to language and content. I was shaking my head at these people and then it hit me...these people are the parents of the students in your classroom. Students come from a variety of backgrounds and understanding those backgrounds is the starting point to building relationships. Instead of being quick to judge based on appearances and overheard conversations, I hope to do a little more listening in the might just help me be a little more empathetic towards my students!
Making Friends: On our trolley ride to Tijuana, a boy (about 9 years old) sat down next to us. I could hear his mom and siblings talking in Spanish behind me and I was a little nervous about starting a conversation. So what did I do? I took out my iPad and launched PopMath (one of my favorites!) and put it in his lap. No words were exchanged, but his face lit up as he completed a couple rounds before getting off the trolley. I made it back to San Diego and needed to switch trolleys to make it to the Convention Center. It was there that I met Karen. She was going to the CC too and we were able to talk for 20 minutes before the trolley arrived. We talked a little bit about school, a little bit about technology, and a little bit about dogs. Making's not so hard! When I made it to the overflow of the overflow area at the CC, I made another friend Jennifer. She is a technology specialist in Texas and I am excited to check out her 2 sessions tomorrow.
Overall I had an excellent day in San Diego! I'm excited for a full day of sessions tomorrow and cannot wait to share what I've learned!
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