Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Old Programs and Some Early Technology Views

My computer is long overdue for a clean-out.  I had to chuckle as I came across this article reflection I wrote for one of my master's classes over 10 years ago.  My how times have changed!  ;)  Oh, and by the way, it was created in Claris Works!

March 7, 2001

    The article, “Warp Speed Web Access:  Cable vs. DSL vs. Everthing Else” provided a wealth of information on the different types of web access.  I found myself nodding my head through most of it, but also found myself saying, “ah-ha” a couple of times.
    In my own experience, I have been very pleased with our cable service.  After having our dial-up service for almost a year, I finally gave into my husband and let him order cable.  Throughout the whole process, I am sure that we spent over $1000 with adding a second phone line (with the dial-up service) to buying the cable box (instead of renting it).  Although our cable bill has nearly doubled, my husband is much more bearable as he is not continually yelling at the computer for being so slow.  I must also say that he has put on weight over the last year because as soon as he gets home, he sits in front of the computer to check his fantasy leagues, download songs, chat with friends etc.  This goes along with the statement in the article that said, “. . .cable users spend more time online after getting their broadband connections than they did before.”  I personally avoid the computer more now that we have gotten cable.  When I do get on-line, I get so overwhelmed with all the sites that I want to go to.  Before I had an excuse with the slow modem, but now I really don’t have an excuse.
    I really feel that after reading this article, I could give a new computer owner sound advice as to which way to go when connecting to the web.  For the occasional web surfer, a dial-up modem is perfectly fine.  There were times when we got really good connection speed with our dial-up modem.  On the other hand, if the user is looking to download songs and other items, a cable modem might cut out some frustration.  

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