Friday, March 22, 2013


I recently read a blog post by George Couros (@gcouros) on 
6 Reasons Why You Should Do a “Blog Study"
and I thought about how I could share that information.  Should I tweet it out?  Should I post it to each of the building conference folders through email?  Should I email all the principals in the district?  Should I just start a blog study of my own?

I decided to include the link to George's "blog study" post along with links to a few of my favorite blogs to a group of colleagues.  I included a link to Scott McLeod's (@mcleod) Dangerously Irrelevant blog, Bill Ferriter's (@plugusin) The Tempered Radical's blog, and Seth Godin's blog.  I will now make a confession.  When I sent the message, I secretly wished one of the people would reply back and say, "Great idea Lynn!  Let me organize a blog study and I'll let you know when we're ready to start."  Well, that didn't happen.  But, in my opinion something better happened!  Dawn replied back and said, "Hey thanks for the resources.  I'll check them out tonight and get back to you."  The following day, she informed me that she had read at least 10 posts from each of the blogs I sent out (I think I have someone who might be willing to do a blog study! :) but also noted that I only posted blogs by males and wondered when I was going to start a blog.  I told her that I did in fact have a blog, but that I don't post regularly ( posts total...pretty sad I know).  I took Dawn's comment as an opportunity to set a couple goals for myself.  I told her that I would have a new blog post by the end of the week and that I would find a female blogger to follow. 

It's now the end of the week and I have created a blog post and I found a female blogger to follow.  Mrs. Yollis' Classroom Blog (@lindayollis) is one that I have visited in the past and shared with others, but not one that I visit on a daily basis.  I was excited to see a place on her blog where I could get notified of new posts by email.  I am now subscribed and await getting that new message in my inbox notifying me there's a new blog post.  I don't know that I will always follow the same blogs, but for now, these five blogs keep me thinking, questioning, and reflecting.

What are some of your favorite blogs to follow?

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